3lakh fans crossed Vinnaithaandi Varuvaaya FaceBook Page
VINNAITHANDI VARUVAYA fans page has crossed 3lakh fans! This shows the impact of the film on the audience. This film was released in the year 2010 with high expectations and ofcourse it satisfied each and every person who watched the film. VTV created a craze among youngSTeRs who admitted that the film was very similar to their real life. This is the movie which changed the image of STR(karthik) and became the biggest hit in his career. The presence of THRISHA(jessie) made the movie more special and this was a movie in which she got a chance to execute the best acting skills. The music for the film was scored by A.R REHMAN and the entire album was a huge hit. Director GAUTHAM VASUDEV MENON was praised for his brilliant direction. No wonder, this is the best love story in tamil cinema so far..Special thanks to all the fans who made this possible:-)To view 3lakh fans page visit https://www.facebook.com/Vinnaithandivaruvaya