Its a Osthee diwali maamu…
Diwali is the festival of colours they say and with things shaping up it seems STR will donning the khakhi colour this diwali.STR is on a marathon mode finishing schedules one after another for osthi in mysore without any rests. the reason behind is that he wants his fans to witness his mass antics which he is famous for.Having treated the critics with back to back critically acclaimed films , STR wants to serve his mass audience with a OSTHI treat, thats why Poda podi is being deliberately delayed to release after osthi.And we at Simbu central would also want to clear the air for any rumours on poda podi’s status. There is absolutely no problems in POda podi’s making, its shaping out really good and we have the best of the best in the producers seat to handle the release of the movie.