We ve heard of the Romeos and Juliet from the west, but only last year on the same day we saw them come to reality on screen in Tamil cinema.
A fairytale love story, narrated by Gautam Vasudev Menon , enacted by Young superstar STR and Trisha , Vinnai thaandi varuvaaya captured many hearts and won many laurels even from the toughest critics. It was praised by Iyakkunar sigaram K balachander to have given life to his memories of love. But why was that really possible , Simbucentral does a research on VTV -
1. Haptics – the science of touch was subtly used by the director to create a feel to the audience, which even million words would not create, the scene where simbu holds trisha’s legs in the train, expressing he would keep the world under her feet and the scene where simbhu holds trisha’s hands tightly during manippaya song’s lines “Enakathu thalai anai, nanaithidum neramm” conveying that he will be with her through all troubles were brilliantly executed in this film..
2. Fingers in our hands are well enough to count the number of films, which portrayed the present day’s confusing love this perfectly.
The inability of the modern day girl to take a decision during crunch time was unbelievably brought in screen by the director and the heroine!
3. In a day where love has been degrade and its stature being diminished to being a tool to attain money and fun , Vinnai thaandi varuvaaya was a inspiration for every youth to fall in love, pure love blindly and to all who are addicted to other temporary pleasures, vtv managed to convey a strong message that pure love is the greatest pleasure a man can go through..
4. Another striking aspect in this film which attracted brightly was the use of colours. If you clearly watch each and every scene of the film some aspect or the other will be in blue or white. ( eg: Simbhu’s shirt or Trisha’s saree)
5. Music and Lyrics – If Gautam Vasudev Menon created the perfect love body on earth A R rahman gave soul to it. Who can forget the bgm’s which gave blankness when karthik sees Jessie first, the comicality during the KFC conversation , the tension during interval block, the anger during break up. If BGM’S weaved love all over the film, songs poured love with Hosanah, shattered a woman’s silence with kanukkul , pleaded with mannippaya and re gave memories a life with Aaromale.
6. Some real life duplicates – I’m happy to have numerous friends who say happily that it was not simbu but its them, who is karthik, this connection was beautifully brought out by gautam with scenes like simbu falling on the gate when he sees her , when he plays with the ropes of the washing clothes in terrace when waiting for her sight and goes with a long drive in his bike to regain the past memories.. plain brilliance
7. Last but not the least the combination of cinematography and editing was top notch . For a film to succeed you need this partnership to cross a hundred and they did it the Shewag way .. amazing .. the blue of the sea , the silence of the church , the beauty of the moon were shot with love by manoj. And editing was spell bounding when Antony showed the days karthik waited for jessie at the same place when one continous scene was made by a transition of different clothing….
We end this never ending research by saying VTV was nothing short of a magic which was weaved by this crew in a month known for love – FEBRAUARY and we thank each and every one of you for making this a ever green movie.